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Welcome to Chosen Tracks - Your Guide in Music! 

With so much new music released every day, it can be hard to keep up—let alone find tracks that truly resonate with you. That’s where I come in. I make it easier for you to uncover the hidden gems in a sea of new releases.

Each week, I update carefully curated playlists with the best new songs across a range of genres, from indie rock to electronic beats, and everything in between. Whether you're searching for fresh sounds or something a little off the beaten path, Chosen Tracks brings you music that deserves to be heard.

I also dive deeper with a weekly podcast, where I handpick 10–15 standout songs that have been released in the past week. These are tracks that not only catch my ear but also offer something unique and exciting, from emerging artists to rising stars.

No more endless scrolling. No more second-guessing. Just great music, selected for you.

Are You an Artist, Band, or Label?

Want to be featured on Chosen Tracks' podcast and curated playlists?
I’m always looking for great new music to feature on Chosen Tracks, whether you're an independent artist, part of a band, or representing a label.  
Submit your music here!

The Chosen Tracks Podcast

Chosen Tracks offers a variety of podcasts, all designed to highlight the best in new music. (Episodes are in Swedish.)

  • Weekly Podcast: New episodes every Wednesday, featuring the best tracks from the past week.

  • Artist Episodes: Interviews with selected artists and bands, diving deep into their music and inspirations.

  • Special Episodes: Focusing on specific themes, such as Eurovision or summer hits.

  • The Red Thread: A quiz-style podcast for those who love a challenge—test your musical knowledge by uncovering the common thread in songs picked by Chosen Tracks' unique logic.

Explore all podcast episodes here!

Playlist with all the Songs from Chosen Tracks Podcast






Playlists by Genre

At Chosen Tracks, I curate playlists across a wide range of genres, updated weekly with fresh releases.
Discover Genres > > >                                                                       Discover Playlists > > >

Weekly Shout Outs!

Updated every week with five standout tracks from artists who deserve more recognition.
Discover hidden gems from the latest releases!

Noteworthy 2024

A playlist with the most exciting, important, and selected tracks from this year. A mix of anticipated favorite bands and new discoveries,

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